Proud To Represent RTI in Canada

Darius Bucher, RPF has been proud to represent RTI in Canada since 2004 and has worked with the product since 1998.  Over that time period much has been gleaned from working with our clients, and our on-going research, to develop more advanced teabag fertilizer products that will enhance the performance of tree seedlings on a wide variety of forest ecosystems. 


Why I Chose to Represent RTI


  • Dedication to Quality - They don't get complaints! 

    RTI has a solid team working at its facility in Gilroy, California to ensure that you are receiving the high quality products that you have come to expect.

  • Dedication To Service - Always there to provide support to the client

  • Dedication to Safety - Making a product that tree planters are confident to handle and is safe for the environment they place it into

  • Dedication to Education and Research - They know what their product will do because of the numerous long term trials they have done and send out information to their clients to keep them informed.
  • Dedication to the Latest Innovation - RTI is always progressing and integrating the newest technology into their products
  • Dedication to Integrity and Transparency - When you do business with RTI they stand by their commitments and back up what they say